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‘Between tomb and cist’ book signing

Between-tombandcistArchaeologist Beverley Ballin Smith will be signing copies of her new book, Between tomb and cist: the funerary monuments of Crantit, Kewing and Nether Onston, Orkney, this afternoon, Friday, at The Orcadian Bookshop.

The discovery of the Crantit tomb, in April, 1998, prompted great excitement in archaeological circles.

Built into a gently-sloping field, overlooking the valley between Scapa and Kirkwall, the cairn had lain undisturbed until ploughing operations disturbed the roof of the tomb, dislodging a capstone, which fell to reveal a hole. Daylight streamed into the underground chamber for the first time in millennia.

At first, it was thought that the tractor had simply uncovered a burial cist – others had been found in the area in the 1900s.

But closer investigation revealed otherwise . . .

The book, which was funded by Historic Scotland, provides full details of the subsequent excavation of the Crantit tomb, as well as two later cists in Rendall and Stenness.

The book signing takes placed between 4pm and 6pm.