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Bignold’s new road begins to take shape

A new access road is taking shape in Bignold Park.

Work started this week on construction of a roadway through Kirkwall’s Bignold Park.

The up to £76,000 project being managed by Orkney Agricultural Society with financial support from Orkney Islands Council.

The park will remain open throughout construction, which is expected to take four to six weeks, depending on weather.

The first phase of the new roadway will go from the Pavilion to the bottom gate at Meadowbank, with further sections via the old hockey building and east side of the football pitch being included.

The new roadway will link up the main entrance on Bignold Park Road, to the housing area in Meadowbank, providing walking links to two of Orkney’s biggest schools and nearby housing away from busy roads.

More in next week’s edition of The Orcadian, available online and in shops from Wednesday.