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Blide Trust scoops public health award

BLIDETrustThe Blide Trust, Orkney’s mental health charity, is one of two recipients of the first Faculty of Public Health community health medals.

The trust, which provides a range of services that support people with mental ill health and their carers, received the award in recognition of its work with local people.

Leanne Rendall, chairwoman of the board of trustees, was “over the moon” to have received the award.

“It means so much for the organisation and our members and there has been a real buzz about the place since we found out we would be receiving it,” she said.

Dr Julie Cavanagh, convener of the Faculty of Public Health in Scotland, said that the trust illustrates how individuals and communities can work together to maintain and improve our own health and wellbeing.

“They make a significant contribution to the health of the Scottish public by working with local people and drawing on the strengths of their communities and the Faculty of Public Health in Scotland is delighted to recognise their efforts,” she added.