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Book Week events get under way at Orkney Library


Book Week Scotland events at the Orkney Library get under way today, Monday.

An event this evening features author Jenny Colgan, who has published over 20 novels and writes women’s romantic fiction, science fiction and children’s books.

Her series includes Cupcake Café, Rosie Hopkins Sweetshop, and Little Beach Street Bakery. Jenny has also written Doctor Who books, and her science fiction novel, Resistance is Futile, was published earlier this year.

As part of Book Week, the Hurricane Book Club launches on Wednesday — a new joint project between Library of the Year — Orkney Library and Publisher of the Year — Pan Macmillan.

Plans are to have a monthly meeting at the library, with people across the country joining in via social media. Hurricane Book Club will read books from different genres, and the first three titles are crime novels from the Mantle imprint.

Mantle publishing director Maria Rejt said: “I am delighted that Mantle books have been chosen to launch the Hurricane Book Club. To be working with a group of librarians who are so passionate about books and so innovative about introducing new authors to their readers is an honour indeed.”

Readers can find out more about the Hurricane Book Club, and pick up a free copy of the first book at Stromness Library at 3pm, or Kirkwall Library at 7.30pm on Wednesday, November 25.

Author Cathy Rentzenbrink will visit the library on Thursday, to talk about her recently published memoir, The Last Act of Love.

In 1990, Cathy’s brother Matty was knocked down by a hit-and-run driver. The Last Act of Love is an account of the years that followed, and the impact the accident had on the family. JoJo Moyes describes the book as “Extraordinary… an honest, heartbreaking, uplifting account of family tragedy.”

Book Week Scotland ends with two events featuring authors Louise Millar and M.J. McGrath.

Louise has just published her fourth crime novel, City of Strangers, which features a woman trying to uncover the identity of a man she finds dead in her flat.

M.J. writes the Arctic-based crime series featuring Edie Kiglatuk, Inuit guide and former polar bear hunter.

On Friday, both authors are in conversation starting at Kirkwall Library and on Saturday, they will be holding a writing workshop in Stromness Library at 11am titled, An introduction to writing fiction and getting published.

Stewart Bain, senior library assistant at Orkney Library & Archive said: “We are very proud of our line-up for Book Week Scotland 2015.

“The funding from Scottish Book Trust, and our partnership with Pan Macmillan, has enabled us to secure some great authors. We hope plenty of people will come along and support these events. Our extended opening hours during the week also means there has never been a better chance for people who don’t usually visit the library to come in and see what we can do for them.”

For further information, call Orkney Library and Archive on 873166 or e-mail stewart.bain@orkneylibrary.org.uk