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Bowel screening could save your life!



Cancer isn’t what it used to be. More people are surviving than ever before, thanks to research breakthroughs, treatment advances and finding cancer early.

There are around 176,000 people in Scotland who have been diagnosed with cancer over the last 20 years and who are still alive — that’s over double the population of Inverness!

One of the most treatable cancers is bowel cancer — when it’s found early, it can often be cured. In fact, you’re 14 times more likely to survive when it’s found at an early stage compared to a late stage.

Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Scotland — it’s more common in people aged over 50, especially men.

That’s why everyone between the ages of 50 and 74 is sent a bowel cancer screening test every two years. It’s the most effective way to find bowel cancer early, as it can spot hidden blood in your poo.

The Scottish Government’s new Detect Cancer Early campaign is under way to encourage those currently putting off doing their test to reconsider and join the ‘bowel movement’, as it could save their life.

Every year, around half a million people in Scotland do their bowel cancer screening test.

The TV advert currently on our screens across Scotland features a number of people who do their test, including actress Carole Cassidy,

Carole, 56, from Glasgow, has taken the test a couple of times, and thinks the campaign will get people talking.

She said: “When I first received the test it took me a few weeks to do it, but I eventually got on with it and sent it away.

“It was great to get the letter back saying everything was fine. Doing the test for the second time was a bit of an easier process, and I wouldn’t hesitate to take it again.

“I think the idea behind the campaign is fantastic.  It’s upbeat and energising, with a positive message, recognising it’s not the most pleasant thing to do and reminding people over 50 that we’re all in it together.”

There are also a few famous faces in the TV advert who are advocates of the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme — actress Clare Grogan and comedian Fred MacAulay.

He said: “There have been incidences of bowel cancer amongst my friends and family, and, because of screening, they’ve survived.

“I do my test every two years, and personally think the screening we’re offered in this country is a great thing.

“I’d encourage everyone who is invited to take the test, and hopefully this new campaign will help make that happen.”

Whether you decide to take part in screening or not, it’s important to look out for the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer.

Visit www.getcheckedearly.org for more information, or call 0800 0121 833 to request a replacement bowel screening test.