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Consultation on KGS school week review

A consultation has started on plans to change the weekly timetable at Kirkwall Grammar School.

The aim is to ensure that new changes to the curriculum can be put in place for all pupils at the school.

The school is proposing that the timetable should be amended to have 32 periods each week, of 50 minutes each, plus additional daily tutor time. This is a change from the current 29-period week, when most lessons are for 55 minutes.

The new timetable would also result in a change to the school day:

  • Mondays and Tuesdays would be seven-period days — starting at 8.35am and finishing at 3.35pm.
  • Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays would be six-periods days, with the school day starting at 8.35am and finishing at 2.45pm.

Special consultation sessions will be in KGS on February 6: 4 – 5pm; 5.30 – 6.30pm and 7 – 8pm.

A meeting will also be held at Rousay School on Tuesday, February 7 at 2.15pm for parents of KGS pupils from Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre.

Parents unable to attend at these times can meet the headteacher during a KGS drop-in session between 4 – 6pm on February 16.

The consultation questionnaire should be returned to the School Office by Wednesday, February 22. It is also available through the school website and e-mail returns can be sent to admin.kgs@orkneyschools.org.uk.