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Council seeking feedback on community transport

Orkney Islands Council is seeking public views on community transport services – those which offer flexible, door-to-door travel and include services like the British Red Cross, Dial-a-Bus and day-care centre travel amongst others.

According to the OIC, a review of these services is under way and the council is looking for feedback on what type of travel people are using the services for, the number of journeys people are making, satisfaction levels and how important people feel the service is to their independence.

The council’s transportation manager, Laura Cromarty said: “We are carrying out this review to consider the future provision of flexible door-to-door community transport services, which are of particular importance to people who are elderly, disabled or have no other means of transport.”

In November 2014, the OIC’s development and infrastructure committee recommended that a comprehensive review of the existing usage and demand for door-to-door community transport services be carried out. This would ensure that the council has a full picture of these issues before it considers options for the long term provision of these services. It was recommended that the review included consideration of funding options and responsibilities for the council and other agencies.

Copies of the survey will be available via community transport providers, OIC Customer Services, NHS Orkney, Kirkwall and Stromness libraries and Community Councils. The survey is also available online at  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CommunityTransportSurvey