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County Show gets the go-ahead despite wet weather

The Orkney Agricultural Society (OAS) has confirmed that they are to proceed with this year’s County Show and have announced that it will take place in the Bignold Park.

The announcement was made last night through the Society’s Facebook page and followed a consultation held between OAS and representatives from Orkney Islands Council.

There were doubts over whether or not the show would go ahead after two Orkney shows — this year’s East Mainland and Shapinsay shows — were cancelled earlier this month and pictures circulated showing the muddy conditions at this weekend’s Caithness County show.

OAS followed up the news this morning, stating that the decision will still be under review in the coming weeks and that a number of alterations will be made to the park design, including a reduction in the size of machinery trade stands and restrictions to vehicles entering the park.

The Society has also said that a temporary road surface will also be used for heavy livestock vehicles entering and exiting the park.

The County Show is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 8.