Cruise ship couple surprise wedding in Kirkwall

(Picture: Craig Taylor)
An American couple sprang a surprise on fellow guests they were sailing with on a cruise ship today, by getting married in Kirkwall.
Kenny and Heidi Strahm of Montgomery, Alabama, knew they were coming to Kirkwall on a day trip while onboard the Disney Magic. They contacted Moira Kelday of Orkney Weddings who arranged their big day for them, with the plan put in place as soon as they stepped off the ship.
They were taken by horse -drawn carriage to Tankerness House Gardens where the ceremony took place. The first the eight others they were travelling with knew about the marriage plan was when the couple appeared from the ship dressed in their wedding outfits!
The couple enjoyed a memorable day in Kirkwall, and left with a traditional Orkney brides cog, saying they had a wonderful day, and said they would love to return on their anniversary to see more of the islands.
On leaving, they were presented with an engraved plaque from OIC Marine Services and were piped to the gangway by Kirkwall City Pipe Band.