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Denali named top dog for second year running

Champion of the Dog Section was Denali, a 20 month old Rottweiler owned by Adell Miller, from Evie.

The top prize at the County Show Dog Section went to Denali, a Rottweiler belonging to Adell Miller, from Evie.

This is the second year in a row that the 20 month old pooch has been named  the county’s top dog. After coming first in the Any Other Breed section, Denali — whose pedigree name is Seittor Jumanji — pipped reserve champion, Zobear Mary Poppins, to the post.

Adell was ecstatic to have seen her dog triumph once again.

“It’s really, really exciting,” she said.

“He was a little bit naughty at Dounby, but he managed to behave himself today.”

Judge, Mr H Wagner, was impressed with the high standard of competition at this year’s show.

“It was really good. We had a good mix of dogs, from pets to really lovely show dogs,” he said.

“The whole presentation of the champion dog was just outstanding.”