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Duke of Edinburgh gold awards

Some of the Sanday Duke of Edinburgh Award group at Holyrood last week. From the left: Charlie Cameron, Melissa Beale, John Murray, Rosemary Newton, Martyn Newton and Cassandra Beale.
Some of the Sanday Duke of Edinburgh Award group at Holyrood last week. From the left: Charlie Cameron, Melissa Beale, John Murray, Rosemary Newton, Martyn Newton and Cassandra Beale.

A record five young people from Sanday received their Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award on Thursday, in the presence of the Duke of Edinburgh.

Charlie Cameron, Naomi MacLeod, Cassandra Beale, John Murray and Melissa Beale all showed the dedication needed to complete the minimum 12 months of activity needed to get their Gold Award.

In addition, Rosemary and Martyn Newton, DofE Leaders for over 20 years were presented with long-service awards for their commitment to volunteering with the DofE on the island.

Rosemary and Martyn are now retired, but during their time as Leaders only two of the Sanday Junior High School’s pupils did not complete a DofE Award.

Barry Fisher, Director of DofE Scotland, said: “It’s fantastic to see such strong Orkney representation at the Gold Award Presentation this year. We work hard to ensure that young people in all areas of Scotland have the opportunity to develop their skills for life and work through the DofE and it’s great to see the success of the programme on Sanday.”