Early warning Twitter feed will warn of barrier closures

Orkney Islands Council has launched a new standalone Twitter feed giving updates on conditions at the Churchill Barriers.
The @OIC_Roads Twitter account will serve as a first port of call for updates on barrier conditions during bad weather and, when needed, other roads information. It went live at 9am today, Thursday. The council’s existing twitter feed @OrkneyCouncil will continue to carry more general council news and information.
Also in response to feedback from the public, there will be new early warning alerts of possible disruption on the barriers, again using Twitter to get the message out. ‘Tweets’ are to be sent when conditions at the barriers are under review, when the barriers are closed, and when they are open again.
In addition, the new early warnings will alert the public if weather forecasts suggest potential disruption over the following 24 hours, with further updates provided as and when required.
Tweets to the new  Twitter feed will be ‘retweeted’ on the main council Twitter account – but only from 9am-5pm from Monday to Friday. So anyone looking for round-the-clock barrier updates should make sure they follow the new feed.
Further details in The Orcadian, out today.