East Mainland cattle championship goes to Balfour Baillie

The sun shone and the crowds flocked to the East Mainland Agricultural Society Show today, Saturday.
The bright sunny weather over the St Andrews Showyard was in stark contrast to last year, as the 2015 show was cancelled because of the wet weather conditions.
At the end of the judging in the cattle ring, it was a clearly delighted Balfour Baillie of Sebay Cottage, Tankerness, who took the cattle championship title with a February-born Limousin-cross heifer calf.
The calf also took the title of Overall Champion of the Yard when it went up against other section winners.
Reserve in the cattle lines was the 19-month-old Charolais bull Baillieston Jagger shown by W.R. Baillie & Co, Biggings, Toab.
Both the champion and reserve will go on to be shown at the County Show next Saturday.