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Election advice from the OIC

Over 3,000 folk will go to the polls on Thursday to elect a new councillor for the Kirkwall West and Orphir Ward.

Postal voters should have received their packs already, say the OIC.

The outcome of the by-election will be decided using a voting system called the Single Transferable Vote or STV.  Voters should use their ballot paper to number the candidates in order of preference, rather than voting with a cross. That is, put number 1 in the voting box next to your first choice, put number 2 in the voting box next to your second choice, and so on.

Voters will be aware that, sadly, one of the candidates, Laurence Leonard passed away last week.  However the council says that it is legally required to continue with the election and, as the ballot papers had already been printed, Mr Leonard will still be listed as a candidate.

For all ballot papers – those returned by post or in person at a polling station:

  • You can number only one candidate, just a few, or all of them.
  • You don’t need to number all candidates but it important that you use numbers only on your ballot form – not crosses or ticks.
  • At the polling station, if you make a mistake, you can ask for a new ballot paper.
  • If you are a postal voter and you make a mistake on your ballot paper, you can request a new one by contacting the council’s elections office by 5pm on polling day.

Anyone with queries should contact the council’s elections team on 873535 or email electionoffice@orkney.gov.uk