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EMEC advising development of Japanese marine energy test centre


The Stromness-based European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has signed a contract to provide advice on the development of a marine energy test facility in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.

EMEC will advise on the infrastructure needed to develop a test site, from subsea cables, and grid connection to resource data instrumentation, as well as the wider infrastructure required in the region to support marine energy deployments.

A review of the marine renewables industry will also be undertaken, alongside support in business planning, operational procedures, and health and safety.

The announcement today follows EMEC becoming a member of NaMICPA (the Nagasaki Marine Industry Cluster Promotion Association) earlier in the year, to help support the development of marine renewables in Japan and stimulate further collaboration between the two countries.

In October, a 28-strong delegation from NaMICPA visited Orkney, including representatives from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Nagasaki Economic Research Institute, and Nagasaki Prefectural Government, to discuss how the two regions can work together to progress marine renewables.