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Farm payments application window now open

Farmers, crofters and land managers in Orkney are being advised that the window for submitting this year’s Single Application Form (SAF) is now open.

The deadline for submitting the form is May 15.

According to the Scottish Government, three-quarters of all SAFs were submitted online last year, allowing these applications to be validated instantly.

Rural Secretary Fergus Ewing said: “I would encourage everyone who wishes to do so to submit their application online as soon as possible and not wait until the last moment.”

“The online application is designed to simplify the process by automatically checking applications for errors — reducing the risk of financial penalties — and enabling farmers to access and update their business and land information at the touch of a button.

He added that paper applications are still being accepted and applications can be sent out, with further information about applying available at local area offices across the country.

He said: “Avoiding a repeat of last year’s payment problems remains my number one priority and I can confirm that 2016 payments will commence shortly.

“In the meantime, I would thank our farmers and crofters for their continued patience as we continue to work to ensure that all remaining payments are made as soon as possible.”