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Ferries bow issues being resolved

Earl Thorfinn.
Earl Thorfinn.

Orkney Ferries say that it is hoped to have two of the North Isles boats – which have suffered from bow visor problems – back operating normally in the near future.

For some time now, the bow visors on the Earl Thorfinn and Earl Sigurd have been out of operation, which has meant that vehicles have had to reverse on or off the ferries.

Both vessels suffered failures some months ago, however the cause of failure for each vessel was different, and this has required separate detailed investigation as well as redesign and repair, to prevent the recurrence of problems on both vessels. This has including the redesign and fitting of stronger hydraulic rams to both ships during refit earlier this year.

Changes to the hydraulic control system have also been ordered and should be fitted to both vessels within the next two weeks.

A company spokesman added: “A contributing factor in the length of the process has been the requirement for the entire system with its new components to be approved and certified by the regulatory authorities. It is expected that final approval to use the upgraded systems will be given in the next week or so.”

Once approval is received and the hydraulic control system is fitted, normal double ended operations will recommence.