Final phase of Stromness repaving project under way

As anyone driving into Stromness will know, the final phase of work on the town centre repaving has begun.
The work is expected to take around eight weeks to complete, with the exception of:
- the area outside the Commercial Hotel, which will be laid with flagstones once restoration of the building is completed.
- The area around the pierhead, where replacement flagstones will be laid at a later date as part of the Pierhead Regeneration Project.
The repaving work is majority funded by the Scottish Government Town Centre Regeneration Fund and being implemented through the
Stromness Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI).
The project is replacing the concrete slabs laid down in the town’s conservation area after World War Two, to replace damaged stones, with flagstones from Liddle’s Quarry, in Orphir, the source of Stromness’s original flagstones.