
Cruise Arrivals


First Minister launches island prospectus

The launch of the Islands
The launch of the island prospectus at Orkney College this morning. Pictured, from the left, are: Derek Mackay MSP, minister for local government; Gary Robinson, leader of the Shetland Islands Council, First Minister Alex Salmond and Steven Heddle, convener of Orkney Islands Council. (www.theorcadianphotos.co.uk)

Scotland’s island communities will have greater control over their local economies, natural environment and be represented at the heart of government in an independent Scotland, First Minister Alex Salmond said during a visit to Kirkwall today.

Launching the island prospectus, Empowering Scotland’s Island Communities, the First Minister outlined a proposed package of powers for island communities, while highlighting the benefits independence will bring.

In the prospectus, the Scottish Government has committed to implement a range of proposals, including:

  • Bring forward a Bill for an Islands Act upon independence to place a duty on the Scottish Government and other public bodies to ‘island-proof’ their functions and decisions, and create a post of ‘Minister for Island Communities’
  • Extend to 2020 the duration of the Enterprise Areas at Arnish, Lyness and Hatston, and support the establishment of Island Innovation Zones, to help sustain job opportunities
  • Allocate, upon independence, 100 per cent of the net income from the islands’ seabed leasing revenues to island communities rather than to central government
  • Ensure islands councils’ representation on a new strategic energy committee upon independence, and explore ways to mitigate any adverse community impacts from oil and gas activities consistent with our commitments made to the industry in Scotland’s Future.
  • Develop a ‘planning brief’ approach for aquaculture to underpin further development and growth of the sector, and develop a ‘Community Benefit Charter’ with the Islands Councils, the aquaculture industry and those involved in the regulatory framework.

Speaking from Orkney College, Mr Salmond said: “Today’s prospectus is the most comprehensive package for empowering Scotland’s island communities that has been put forward by any Government. It recognises the unique contribution that island communities make to modern Scotland, and also the distinctive needs and priorities they have.

“Most of all, though, it recognises that Scotland’s islands have huge potential – a wealth of culture and history; stunning landscapes; massive renewable energy resources; and a host of successful businesses in sectors such as food and drink, life sciences and tourism.

“We are determined to work with the islands communities to unleash that potential and to create a sustainable and prosperous future. By doing so, we will honour the principles of subsidiarity and local decision-making at the heart of the Lerwick Declaration. And even more importantly, we will help to build wealthier and fairer island communities, as part of a wealthier and fairer Scotland.”