Fly-tipping prompts Cursiter closure

Fly-tipping at Cursiter Quarry has led to the temporary closure of the household waste and recycling (HWRC) centre there .
Orkney Islands Council (OIC) said it was disappointed to announce the move, this Monday afternoon, following the inappropriate disposal of waste at the site.
The facility — which has been accepting only recyclable materials for some time now — will remain closed for several days due to the need to clear a large amount of rubbish which has been dumped there.
Lorna Richardson, OIC strategic policy and projects manager, said: “The site is now closed and will remain shut for a few days while plans are put in place for a skip and manpower to clear the large volume of waste which has been left there.
“We would urge folk to use the site appropriately and only use it for recyclable materials, as is clearly stated on notices at the gates and on our website. Unfortunately, if other materials are left there, this can lead to us having to take this kind of action which is inconvenient for everyone.
“We will advise people again when the site is able to reopen.
“In the meantime, local residents can take their waste and recycling to the sites at Hatston, Garson or Bossack, or make appropriate use of the kerbside collection service.”
Councillor Graham Sinclair, chairman of OIC’s development and infrastructure committee, said: “I am very disappointed that some have chosen to ignore the previous warnings of what may happen if waste was disposed of inappropriately at the Cursiter site.
“The help and support of the local community is important in the running of the site to avoid unfortunate and unwelcome periods of closure such as this.”