Former convener will not stand for OIC leading roles

The former convener of the OIC will not be standing as political leader or convener of the new council next week.
Kirkwall East councillor Steven Heddle said today that while he would have been honoured to continue leading the council, he believes there is an appetite for a change of leadership.
Councillor Heddle said that a number of members want a change “on the basis of political disagreement, personal ambition or for other reasons.”
He added: “I say this with no bitterness or rancour, I respect difference of opinion and applaud ambition, although as a matter of record I do not believe I have brought party politics into the chamber, nor do I belong to a political party.”
Speaking of personal reasons, Councillor Heddle said he has lost his “three best friends and staunchest allies in local government” — Jim Foubister, Gary Robinson (Shetland Islands Council) and Angus Campbell (Western Isles Council).
Councillor Heddle, who was returned to the council last week with an increased vote, and the largest in the ward, stressed that he will continue to strive for the benefit of Orkney and the council.