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Future of HIE to be voted on in Scottish Parliament

MSPs will today vote on the future of the board of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

A motion is to be put forward in Scottish Parliament this afternoon which will give MSPs the opportunity to vote against the Scottish Government’s proposals to centralise HIE.

MSP for the Highlands and Islands region Donald Cameron — who also stood as the Conservative candidate for Orkney and Shetland during 2015’s general election — has put forward the motion which calls for parliament to “oppose the government’s plans to abolish the board of HIE, recognise the vital work that HIE carries out for businesses and communities across the Highlands and islands, and calls on the Scottish Government to reverse this decision and ensure that the HIE board continues to take all strategic, operational and budgetary decisions.”

MSP for Orkney Liam McArthur has said the motion is likely to have the support of all opposition parties and he has called on SNP MSPs representing the Highlands and Islands to reject the Scottish Government’s plan.

He said: “Despite the warnings of councillors, businesses and experts across the region, SNP Ministers seem determined to delivering another blow to Highlands & Islands Enterprise by stripping the agency of its board and key strategic decision making powers.

“These ill-judged proposals demonstrate that SNP Ministers are intent on centralising the life out of the Highlands and Islands. Parliament has an opportunity to stop these plans in their tracks.

“SNP Highlands and Islands MSPs must make a choice.  Either they can back their government or stand up for their constituents. ”