‘Future-proofing’ the Neolithic archaeology galleries

Orkney Islands Council is looking for feedback on the display of Stone Age artefacts at the Orkney Museum, to discover what folk would like to see being developed.
The work is part of a project launched which will pilot the redesign of the museum’s interpretation and displays in the Neolithic galleries.
It has been 30 years since the Neolithic galleries at Orkney Museum were last updated. Since then archaeological excavations and research have led to significant changes in understanding about Stone Age life in Orkney.
The museum’s Jenn Allison said: “We would really like to know what local people think of the current Neolithic Archaeology galleries at the Museum and what they’d like to see included as part of the improvements.”
From the end of August and throughout September, Ms Allison will be conducting market research surveys to gather the thoughts and opinions of local people and visitors, including an online survey.