Halcro Johnston hits back as budgetry battle continues

Highlands and Islands MSP Jamie Halcro Johnston has accused fellow MSP Maree Todd of employing “cut and paste” politics when it comes to concerns in Orkney, in reaction to comments she made about Conservative tax proposals earlier this week.
Ms Todd, who represents the Scottish National Party (SNP), criticised the proposals which she claimed would lead to a £2.4 million drop in public spending for Orkney. The Scottish Parliament is set to vote on Stage 1 of the budget this month, and the SNP politician fears that the NHS will be in the firing line for spending cuts, should conservative proposals go through.
In response, Mr Halcro Johnston was quick to react in support of his party.
“These are quite spectacularly mistimed comments, given Maree Todd’s SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, raised the threat of another independence referendum yet again only this weekend, risking even more uncertainty for the people and businesses of Orkney,” he said.
Mr Halcro Johnston also took the opportunity to slam the Scottish Government’s treatment of issues affecting Orkney.
“Meanwhile, the SNP Government she’s a minister in has forced a real-terms cut on Orkney Islands Council’s funding, failed to honour its own repeated commitments on fair funding for Orkney’s vital lifeline internal ferries, left local farmers waiting months for delayed agricultural payments and hit any Orcadian earning over £26,000 per year with a rise in tax,” he said.
“Local people want MSPs who’ll stand up for their local communities, not ones who’ll just toe their party line. Orcadians will see right through Maree Todd’s cut and paste SNP HQ-issued press release.”
For the full story, see this Thursday’s The Orcadian.