Have your say on air and ferry timetables

The public are being invited to comment on the inter-isles air and ferry timetables for the winter of 2014/15 before they are finalised and approved by councillors.
Orkney Islands Council transport manager, Laura Cromarty said: “Residents in the isles and other interested stakeholders should pass their comments to their local transport representative, who can be contacted through their Community Council clerk.
She added: “Local transport representatives will then bring their comments to the Air and Ferry Consultative Committee Forum – a meeting which also involves major stakeholders such as the NHS and OIC’s Education team – on February 14.”
Draft timetables have already been circulated to Community Councils in the isles for consultation and comments.
Anyone who does not live in the isles and wishes to comment should pass their feedback directly to the council’s transportation service by emailing transport@orkney.gov.uk by Monday February 10.
For paper copies of the air or ferry timetables, please contact the Transportation Service on 01856 873535, or at the email address above.
More information, including community council contact details, is available from the ‘What’s New’ section on the OIC website www.orkney.gov.uk .