Have your say on future services

A series of events this month will give people the opportunity to help shape future plans for community health and social care services in Orkney.
These include four drop-in sessions and a discussion on Facebook.
From later this year, a new Integration Joint Board – Orkney Health and Care – will have responsibility for planning and overseeing these important services.
Ahead of this, a Strategic Commissioning Plan will be adopted, which will set out how community health and social care services will be developed and delivered in future.
The plan is currently in draft form and can be seen from early next week by following a link from the homepage at www.orkney.gov.uk.
“It is important that people across Orkney have the chance to play their part in shaping the final version of the plan,” said Caroline Sinclair, chief officer for Orkney Health and Care.
“We want services to be responsive to the needs of people and communities across the county, and the feedback we receive will be important in helping us achieve this.”
Caroline will be on Facebook to chat with the public about the plans on Thursday, January 14, from 6-7pm. The discussion will be on the OIC Updates Facebook page – a link for the Facebook Chat will be provided from the homepage at www.orkney.gov.uk
Staff will be on hand at the four drop-in events to discuss and listen to feedback on the plans for the future of community health and social care services in Orkney.
These take place at:
- Smiddybrae, Dounby (day centre room) on Tuesday, January 19.
- The Warehouse Buildings, Stromness (John Rae room) on Thursday, January 21.
- Cromarty Hall, St Margaret’s Hope (main hall) on Tuesday, January 26.
- St Magnus Centre, Kirkwall (friends and family room) on Friday, January 29.
All the drop-in events take place between 2 and 7pm.
To provide an additional opportunity for the public to get in touch, people can phone the St Magnus Centre on 878326 on Friday January 29 between 2 and 7pm and ask to talk to staff from Orkney Health and Care.