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Cruise Arrivals


Have your say on Orkney’s Community Plan

Organisations involved in planning services for Orkney have put their draft Community Plan out for consultation.

The partner agencies, which include Orkney Islands Council, NHS Orkney, the Police and Fire Services, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Voluntary Action Orkney, collectively form the Orkney Community Planning Partnership (OCPP).

The Community Plan encompasses their long-term vision for Orkney. It also includes a draft Single Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Government.

The plan sets out what the OCPP hopes to achieve over the next three years and beyond as their contribution to Orkney’s local priorities and to the Scotland-wide ambitions of the Scottish Government.  It is a rolling plan and will be updated every year.

The draft Community Plan and Single Outcome Agreement can be viewed online by following the links from the home page on the OIC website.