Hofn patrons and others benefit from LEADER funding

Youngsters in Westray will be just one of the local groups to benefit from the latest round of LEADER funding.
The Hofn Youth Centre, in Pierowall, has been awarded £11,200 towards the cost of developing and extending the building, which provides drop-in and social facilities for youngsters on the island. The plans will see the size of the main activity room increased and an additional room in a new porch area.
An award of £30,000 went to the Orkney DVD and Photography project. This will see a range of organisations pool together their photo libraries to create a collection that all the organisations can access for marketing and media purposes. The funding will also go towards the cost of creating film footage of Orkney, which will also be used for promotional purposes.
Other projects to benefit are the Kirkwall Business Improvement District initiative and three different feasibility studies.
Anyone interested in LEADER should contact the OIC’s Alister Brown on 873535 ext 2855 or by email at alister.brown@orkney.gov.uk, or visit www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/LEADER