Ice plant deconstruction under way

Work starts today, Thursday, on the dismantling of the ice plant on Kirkwall pier.
The plant, owned by Hugh Simpson Contractors Ltd, has been on the pier for 25 years but has not been operational for some time.
During the initial stages of the demolition work, the north end of the pier will be completely closed to traffic and unavailable as a berth for vessels. This may change as the work, which is expected to take three weeks to complete, progresses.
Gareth Evens, managing director of Richmond Dry Dock, the Devonshire based company in charge of dismantling the plant, said: “The end section of the pier will be closed to the public and any visitors to the site will have to make prior arrangements with us.
“There is likely to be a large amount of reusable material such as tin sheeting, wooden trusses, steel frame girders and insulation, which businesses and individuals in Orkney may find useful and we would encourage them to get in touch with us if they feel there maybe something they could use.”
Mr Evens can be contacted on 07805 569650 or email
●  Orkney Islands Council has confirmed that all pier users have been informed of the work, but said that if further information is required, contact Orkney Marine Services on 873636.