Island accommodation unit fundraising appeal
(Picture: Dave Donaldson)
Emily Smith, from Lerwick said: “Living in the islands is great, and the local maternity unit is wonderful. However, through every one of my pregnancies and including two premature births, I have been forced to stay in Aberdeen. Without the facilities provided free of charge in the islands accommodation these stays would have been much harder.
“I want to help raise funds to support this service that I and many others have found such a benefit when they are needed most.”
Emily and husband Brian added: “These facilities have been an absolute life saver to expectant mothers and families, also in our case, they have allowed us to stay for extended periods of time while our premature babies were in the neonatal unit.”
Emily said that she wanted to raise £1000 for the maternity accommodation unit as a thank you, and earlier this week her total had reached over the half way stage.
She said that the money raised would go towards items which may be required to be renewed or replaced at the facility, and was very grateful to all who had supported her so far.
Emily is also planning on holding further fundraising events in the future, including having her long hair cut.
She has set up an online fundraising page at: