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A chance to discuss LEADER funding in Sanday

LEADER-logo-Jul09-33A drop-in session in Sanday next week will give groups interested in financial assistance with community projects the opportunity to discuss ideas with the OIC’s LEADER team.

The LEADER programme is aimed at small scale, community driven and innovative projects that support both the local economy and Orkney communities.

Projects eligible to apply will include those that show support for:

  • Orkney’s tourism, cultural heritage, crafts, food and drink sectors.
  • Community services and facilities.
  • The natural environment and the development of sustainable energy.
  • Farm diversification projects.

Amy Esslemont, the OIC’s development officer for LEADER, said: “Sanday has already seen how beneficial LEADER funding can be through the development of the heritage centre in Lady Village.

“The Sanday Development Trust successfully utilised LEADER funding during the 2007-2013 programme and now have a fantastic facility for locals and visitors to enjoy.

“We want to offer Sanday residents a clear understanding of what LEADER is and this drop-in session will be a perfect opportunity for this.”

The session takes place at Heilsa Fjold, Sanday, on Tuesday, from 12.30pm until 2.30pm.