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Local employers surveyed on skills needs

Local businesses are being asked to complete a survey on the types of skills they want future employees to have,

The work, being carried out by the OIC’s education and economic development services, in partnership with Skills Development Scotland, will help organisations to plan educational and training provision in Orkney.

An online survey has been made available to local businesses which aims to identify any skills gaps and the impact of this on local industries.

Stuart Allison, the OIC’s economic development manager, said: “It’s important that we liaise with local employers to ensure that our young people are suitably prepared to enter the workplace when they leave education.

“This work forms just part of the education services’ efforts to develop an ‘Orkney Offer’ – which is the range of opportunities offered to our youngsters are they reach the senior phase of their education. By working with a broad range of partners we can create a link to a sustained and positive destination – but to get them there we need to be sure of the tools and skills they will need.”

For more information or to receive a link to the survey contact the council’s economic development service at economic.development@orkney.gov.uk or phone 873535.