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Look out for community council ballot papers

Ballot papers to elect community council representatives will start arriving through letterboxes from June 1.

Ballot papers will be issued for all community council areas, apart from the following four areas, which have enough candidates to form a community council but not more than the number of seats available:

  • Holm
  • Rousay, Egilsay, Wyre & Gairsay
  • Sanday
  • Shapinsay

OIC chief executive Albert Tait said: “Community Councils are one of the most important sounding boards for the council on a range of grass roots issues. So it’s good that we have had enough candidates step forward to hold elections in 16 of our 20 community councils.

“On that basis I’d encourage everyone to look out for their ballot papers and support their community council network by making sure they return their vote by the deadline on June 12.”

The full list of community council candidates will be available at www.orkney.gov.uk from Wednesday, May 30.