McArthur: new HIE chief must protect agency’s independence

Following yesterday’s appointment of Charlotte Wright to Chief Executive of HIE’s, Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has called for the independence of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) to be protected.
Ms Wright’s appointment follows a six-month campaign to keep the board of HIE local and two parliamentary defeats on the government’s enterprise and skills plans.
Ms Wright — who joined HIE 20 years ago, previously ran her own small business and worked in the NHS  — said she is both delighted and honoured to take up the role.
She also said that the agency will undoubtedly face challenges going forward, but added that the region’s businesses and communities have proven themselves to be “resilient and adaptable to new circumstances.”
Mr McArthur, who has campaigned to keep HIE local, congratulated Ms Wright on her appointment.
However, he added: “There is no doubt that HIE faces significant challenges in the next few years. Those challenges, however, will be best met with an agency focused first and foremost on the economic and social needs of businesses and communities in the Highlands and Islands.
“Hopefully, therefore, HIE and its new Chief Executive will be spared any further ministerial meddling and allowed to get on with the important job in hand.”