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McArthur praises vibrancy of Youth Arts and Culture in Orkney

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has highlighted how the county leads the way with youth arts and culture.

Speaking at the Scottish Parliament yesterday, Wednesday, Mr McArthur used examples of local initiatives to demonstrate the strength, breadth and vibrancy of the arts and culture in Orkney.

Speaking afterwards, he said: “The Government’s Youth Arts Strategy, Time to Shine, is looking to develop an area where Scotland already does well. Indeed, as I illustrated during the debate, few parts of the country can match Orkney when it comes to the vibrancy of what is happening in music, art, drama and dance.”

He added: “I was also able to highlight to MSP colleagues the commitment shown by organisers of the Folk and St Magnus Festivals to involve young people, hopefully preparing the ground for continued success of these festivals well into the future.

“Likewise, I pointed to a recent visit to Stromness Primary, where pupils were in a state of high excitement about their upcoming exhibition at the Pier Arts Centre, demonstrating that this approach to involving, enthusing and inspiring young people stretches across the arts.”