
Cruise Arrivals


Scapa Flow Visitor Centre funding welcomed

Orkney MSP Liam McArthur has welcomed the news that the Scapa Flow Visitors Centre and Museum has been awarded £500,000 as part of Historic Scotland’s  building repair grants programme.

Mr McArthur said: “The Museum and Visitors Centre at Lyness is an important reminder of Orkney’s wartime history, bringing together the story of the naval anchorage, artefacts, and the buildings themselves.

“As we lose the generations with first-hand experience of the world wars, the centre becomes even more significant.

“Orkney attracts visitors for a great many reasons, but it has been noticeable that the number of tourists coming to learn about the war time role of Scapa Flow has been on the increase over recent years.  I am pleased that this grant will be used to restore and conserve this unique attraction.”