
Cruise Arrivals


Meeting the standard – new food hygiene scheme for Orkney

Food outlets in Orkney are being contacted about a new hygiene scheme that will be rolled out across the county later this year.

Orkney Islands Council is joining most of Scotland’s local authorities in adopting the Food Hygiene Information Scheme. The initiative, developed in partnership by the Food Standards Agency and local councils, is aimed at helping people make informed choices about where they eat or buy their food.

Before the scheme is launched in Orkney in July, each outlet will be provided with a certificate they can display which says whether they passed the hygiene inspection or if improvements are required.

Full details are being sent to around 300 food businesses and organisations in Orkney, including cafes and restaurants, hotels and bed and breakfast providers, shops and supermarkets, schools and the local hospital.

The scheme is expected to be launched in Orkney on July 9.