Mobile improvements welcomed following digital forum

Local MP Alistair Carmichael has thanked all those who attended the 2015 Northern Isles Digital Forum, which took place in Kirkwall on Saturday, where businesses and residents heard about the expansion of mobile signal coverage in Orkney.
Graham Dunn, from Vodafone, talked about his company’s plans for improving 3G and 4G mobile services to Orkney – 80 per cent of the isles are set to be connected to the faster 4G service within the next two years – with Vodafone to be investing £1billion this year to improve mobile coverage across the UK.
Mr Carmichael has welcomed this development which builds on the agreement reached by the UK Government and four leading mobile networks in December – a £5bn programme to improve mobile infrastructure across the UK by 2017.
Commenting after the meeting, Mr Carmichael said: “The Northern Isles Digital Forum was, once again, a great success. This year we heard in more detail about BT and HIE’s delivery of the £146 million broadband upgrade, and when parts of the islands can expect to receive better mobile signal coverage. I know that the lack of communication about connectivity has been a source of real frustration for residents and businesses, so it was good to hear more clarity about timeframes.
“For too long, Orkney has been left at the back of the queue when it comes to broadband expansion and mobile coverage, so I welcome the news that expanded 4G services are coming to the isles. This is a big boost for our local economy.
“My thanks to Mr Dunn for taking the time to visit Orkney and explain Vodafone’s plans for improving mobile coverage in the Northern Isles. I will now be seeking assurances from other mobile operators that they have similar plans to help increase coverage.”