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NHS team nominated for national award

NHS Orkney’s recruitment team is in line for national recognition at the 2015 s1 recruitment awards in Glasgow next month.

The department has been short listed in the category of best in-house recruitment team for organisations with less than 1,000 employees. The short list of four from across Scotland will be assessed by an expert panel from the perspective of the job seeker.

The Orkney nomination is based on work carried out by Danna Wilson in promoting NHS Orkney as an employer of excellence.

Julie Nicol, head of HR services at NHS Orkney, said: “Using her own initiative Danna has improved recruitment processes in NHS Orkney, which has resulted in a higher calibre of candidates coming forward for positions.

“She provides managers with recruitment training, supporting them through the selection procedure from advertising to appointment, and has developed NHS Orkney’s presence on social media recruitment.

“She also actively encourages work placement students, ensuring their experience of NHS Orkney is that of a potential employer of excellence.”