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NHSO switchboard disruption forecast

IT services at NHS Orkney will experience some disruption, next week, as the health authority carries out mandatory software upgrades at The Balfour.
To minimise disruption these will take place in the evenings from 7.30pm.
There will be intermittent communication disruption to The Balfour switchboard for three brief 10-minute periods on the evening of Tuesday, July 20 from 7.30pm until 9pm.
If you are calling the switchboard urgently during this time and you can not get through you can use the back-up number — 07795453757. Folk are being asked to only use this number if their call is urgent and if they are calling during the disrupted times stated above.
Michael Dickson, interim chief executive of NHS Orkney, said: “These are required upgrades that are mandatory to ensuring our service is up-to-date.
“We expect there to be minimal disruption but have issued the switchboard back-up number just in case it is required.
“We appreciate your co-operation and patience during this time.”
All upgrades are due to be complete by 9pm on Friday, July 23.