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OIC publishes performance report

OIC1Orkney Islands Council has published its Annual Performance Report for  2014.

The report details the progress the council is making towards achieving the targets it set out in the Council Plan for 2013 – 2018, as well as how the council is performing against national indicators.

The performance section provides information on the council’s performance and is part of the council’s approach to its statutory duty of Public Performance Reporting.

Gillian Morrison, executive director of corporate services, said: “Orkney Islands Council is committed to providing the best services possible for the people of Orkney, and to publicly report on how well we provides these services. We are always keen to receive feedback on our performance, or the way we present this report for you.”

Feedback on the Annual Performance Report can be done either in writing, by telephone or completing the online Annual Performance Feedback Form.

The report is also available at the council offices in Kirkwall, the Stromness cash office and also the libraries in Kirkwall and Stromness.

The full report is available on the performance section of the Council’s website, www.orkney.gov.uk .