OIC says ferry fares to rise in line with Transport Scotland
Fares on the internal ferry routes serving Orkney are to rise by 8.7 per cent this year, in line with the rate set by Transport Scotland for subsidised external ferry services.
The increase will come into force on April 1 until March 31, 2025. The increase will affect all fares with the exception being multi journey books of 50 tickets which will rise by 13.7 per cent (8.7 per cent plus the annual five per cent increase) as per council policy previously agreed by councillors.
Orkney Islands Council says that last year’s status quo was in line with the Scottish Government’s freeze on external ferry fares to the Northern Isles.
The council’s transportation service manager, Laura Cromarty, explained: “Elected members agreed previously that we would align the Orkney Ferries fares with the Scottish Government subsidised ferry services. This is because Orkney Ferries is now fully revenue funded by the Scottish Government, so it makes sense to be consistent with any fare increases.
“However, the 50 x multi journey books of tickets do not form part of the new fare structure and so will see a previously agreed increase of five per cent over and above the base rate increase to fares.
“Options continue to be looked at in relation to the replacement of the multi journey books of tickets to ensure a fair system for all. This will be considered further once Orkney Ferries Ltd have moved over to a new booking system.”
Council leader, Councillor Heather Woodbridge, added: “The Scottish Government has pledged that in the longer term, the Islands Connectivity Plan will include a review of ferry fares, alongside a wider ‘fair fares’ review, to ensure that their fares policy continues to address the needs of island communities.
“We will be sharing our views at every opportunity and continuing to make Orkney’s case on future ferry funding in terms of the fleet replacement.”