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OIC take action over school radon levels

Orkney Islands Council is to act on the results of radon tests recently carried out at local schools.

At three schools – Stromness Academy, Dounby Primary and St Margaret’s Hope Primary – radon gas was found to be present in limited areas of the buildings at slightly above the action level at which remedial work is required.

Levels of the naturally occurring gas were significantly higher at Firth Primary School and detected in a number of areas in the building.

An immediate programme of work will undertaken at the four schools affected, with tried and tested methods used to reduce levels of radon to below the action point.

Leslie Manson, OIC’s Executive Director of Education, Leisure and Housing, said: “The council’s environmental health manager has been in contact with colleagues in public health at NHS Orkney and at the Health Protection Agency.

“Health risks associated with radon require significant long term exposure to the gas.

“The advice we have given to staff and parents is that pupils and staff can remain in school during the time it takes to put in place measures that will reduce radon levels.

“We expect the work at the schools to be completed within a matter of weeks.”

Head teachers, staff and parents with children at the four schools have been informed about the test results and about the measures that will be now be put in place.

At all other schools in Orkney, levels were found to be below the action level.