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OIC welcome for broadband announcement

RouterThe convener of Orkney Islands Council, Councillor Steven Heddle, has welcomed the UK Government’s announcement of a universal service obligation (USO) for broadband across the UK.

Prime Minister David Cameron said the Government was committed to ensuring that 100 per cent of homes and businesses will be able to access broadband with speeds of at least 10 megabits per second (Mbps) by 2020.

Councillor Heddle said: “Without a USO, there is the very real risk that many areas of Orkney will miss out on successive generations of broadband, widening the digital divide and leaving some parts of the county with extremely poor connections or no service at all.

“Through the Our Islands Our Future campaign, we have stressed the need for an obligation of this kind that puts broadband on a similar footing to other essential services like water and electricity. In the Framework for the Islands we agreed with the UK Government, we secured an earlier commitment for a universal minimum broadband standard.

“This new announcement is a welcome move by the Government, because access to a fast and reliable broadband connection should be a fundamental right for homes and businesses across our community.”