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One week left to comment on proposed development plan

oic-coatThere’s just one week left to comment on the planning documents that will be used in the islands for the next five years.

The public consultation on the Proposed Orkney Local Development Plan and the draft Settlement Statement Supplementary Guidance closes next Thursday, June 16.

After adoption the Proposed Plan will become Orkney’s next Local Development Plan and the main document used to decide planning applications within the county.

Some of the areas that are covered in the Proposed Plan are Orkney’s historic environment, housing development, the renewables industry and planning in the marine environment. A short video that summarises the diverse range of areas that planning covers can be found at www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_trma0S1wc

Stuart West, the OIC’s planning manager, said: “Members of the public are urged to get their comments in before the consultation deadline. Once feedback is received, all comments will be assessed before the Proposed Plan goes to the Scottish Government for their consideration and brought back to Councillors for final approval.”

For more information on the Orkney Local Development Plan, visit www.orkney.gov.uk/Council/C/proposed-plan-consultation.htm

All comments should be submitted before Thursday, 16 June at 5pm. Written comments should be made during this period and addressed to the Planning Manager at devplan@orkney.gov.uk or by post to Development and Marine Planning, Orkney Islands Council, School Place, Kirkwall, KW15 1NY.