Online launch for 2013 festival programme

This year’s St Magnus International Festival programme was launched online on Friday evening — a radical step the organisers hope will bring their entire audience together in one place at one time.
The festival’s new website – – and with it the programme details for the 2013 festival, went live at 7pm.
Artistic director Alasdair Nicolson explained: “In previous years, we’ve had a live event for our supporters in Orkney, but have never been able to include the other half of our regular audience who come from across the rest of the UK and around the world.
“Thanks to the reach of the internet, we’re aiming that everyone who has web access should be able to see the exciting programme details without waiting for the postal service to deliver the printed copy.”
Making their first visits to Orkney this year will be the BBC Symphony Orchestra from London and the Grammy Award-winning American soprano Christine Brewer.