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Only a few days left to enter Homemade in the Parish competition

shutterstock_263108756There’s only days left for any parishes hoping to take part in Orkney’s first Homemade in the Parish competition to register their interest.

A dozen Orkney parishes have signed up so far and the deadline for entries is Monday, April 27.

Staged by Orkney Food and Drink, the event will see teams from throughout the islands submit homemade products across a range of categories – everything from jams, chutneys, shortbreads and cakes, to home brew, cheeses and savoury pies.

A panel of judges will sample the parish team produce at an event in Kirkwall Grammar School on May 9, before deciding on category winners and ultimately awarding a special Parish Cup.

So far, the communities of Birsay, Deerness, Eday, Firth, Harray, Holm, Orphir, Rousay, Sanday, Shapinsay, Rendall and St Andrews have confirmed they are taking part.

Parishes can find out more about the competition and enter online at the Orkney Food and Drink website.