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Orkney acts make jazz shortlist

Marianne McGregor is one of two Orcadian acts to be shorlisted for this year’s Scottish Jazz Awards. Also in the running are The Tenement Band, featuring Orkney musicians Tom Pickles and Chuck Dearness.

Two Orcadian acts are in the running in this year’s Scottish Jazz Awards.

Singer-songwriter Marianne McGregor is in the running for the Rising Star category, while the Tenement Jazz Band — which features Orkney musicians Chuck Dearness and Tom Pickles — has been shortlisted for the Best Band Award.

The winners for the 2019 awards are set to be crowned at a prestigious ceremony at Drygate, Glasgow, on Sunday, June 9, which will include special guests and exclusive live performances.

You can show your support for the Orkney musicians by voting online at www.jazzfest.co.uk/awards. Voting closes at 5pm on Tuesday, May 21.