Orkney College UHI lecturer travels to Falkland Islands to help boost tourism

Orkney College UHI Curriculum Leader of Hospitality and Tourism, Anne Hill has been invited to the Falkland Islands to deliver WorldHost training.
Anne, who is one of two accredited WorldHost trainers in Orkney, has been invited by Falklands Islands Government (FIG) to carry out the training over the course of two weeks, and is due to start on September 26.
All travel and accommodation expenses will be paid for by FIG.
The WorldHost programme has seen over one million people trained worldwide and gives businesses that rely on day-to-day interaction with customers a one-day training course in the principles of customer service.
Topics range from team building and conversation with
customers to first impressions.
Falkland Islands Government approached Anne earlier this year seeking her expertise in the area of customer service.
FIG are making efforts to boost their cruise liner industry through improving customer service throughout the islands.
Anne received her accreditation to teach WorldHost training in January 2014.
She said: “The WorldHost training programme has proven to be very successful, not only throughout Scotland but internationally.
“Tourists expect a high level of customer service and this training can really help businesses gain a competitive edge.
“I am so honoured to have been invited to the Falkland Islands and look forward to meeting the people that live on the islands and experience what they offer from a tourist’s perspective.
“This is a once in a life time opportunity and I am so grateful to the Falkland Islands Government for asking me to deliver training there.”