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Orkney farm named in UK’s ‘Small Biz 100’

The Bremner family, from Deerness, with their herd of water buffalo.
The Bremner family, from Deerness, with their herd of water buffalo. (www.theorcadianphotos.co.uk)

A family farm in Deerness has been named among the 100 small businesses in the UK to be celebrated by Small Business Saturday, the UK’s dedicated day for small businesses on December 5.

Orkney Buffalo, which specialises, as the name implies, in Orkney buffalo as well as Jacobs lamb and Mangalitza pork, will be among those featured one per day for the 100 days leading up to Small Business Saturday itself.

The business, at Schoolhouse Farm, Deerness, is run by husband and wife team, Naomi and Russell Bremner.